Story Summary

Throughout the journey to the Godhead, the main focus will be Jackrabbit and the angel's relationship as they travel through apocalyptic America. As they travel, the angel slowly becomes human and Jackrabbit is slowly consumed by their depression, becoming "less human" as the angel becomes more human. They begin a relationship and become unhealthily codependent as they survive threats from the Beast, the Dragon, the Four Horsemen, Leviathan, Behemoth, Ziz, the United States government, and more. The story ends when they find the Godhead and the angel, now completely human and named Crane, looks into God's eyes and is immediately killed because she is neither human nor angel, and Jackrabbit watches the Beast eat the Godhead. Nothing changes. Humanity has become worse than Satan. 3 years later, Jack kills themself.

Spoiler-Free Character Descriptions for Marketing

Jackrabbit Bishop (they/them) is a 17 year old near-graduate of high school. They live in Stearnes, North Carolina, and work at a gas station in between failing their classes. They found a fallen angel behind their work and agreed to go with it to go find the Godhead because they had nothing else to do besides kill themself.

The angel (it/its) is an ageless being that fell from heaven when God died. It asked the first human it saw, Jackrabbit, to come with it to save God's head from being eaten by the Beast. It is rigid and unfeeling, its only quest to save God.

The Beast is the harbinger of the Rapture. It is its destiny to eat God's head and end His reign over the Earth. Jackrabbit and the angel have to beat it to California to save the Godhead.